Hosted By: Beta Gamma Nu Fraternity

“The Neuroscience of Partying”



Where: San Diego State University – 5500 Campanile Drive. Media Center Room 63. San Diego, CA 92182

An educational workshop providing unbiased scientific harm-reduction information on drugs and alcohol.

Learn about:

  • How recreational drugs affect neurotransmitter systems in the brain
  • Dangerous drug interactions to avoid
  • General safety tips, and resources for information and drug-testing kits
  • How to nutritionally mitigate the wear n’ tear and depletion that result from partying.

The Neuroscience of Partying will be presented by SDSU alumni, Caitlin Thompson. After struggling with her own chemical depression and anxiety, Caitlin began her quest to chemically rebalance herself and regain happiness. With a bachelors degree in biology from SDSU, Caitlin used her scientific background to dive into the neuroscience literature on depression and other mood disorders. She soon became obsessed with neuroscience and began an integrative investigation of the relationship between nutrition, mood disorders, and psychedelic drugs. Her success in reclaiming her health and happiness led her to creating her nutritional supplement company, EntheoZen (/). Caitlin set out on a mission to share the information she had collected and empower people to have healthy and happy brains. This included spreading harm-reduction drug information to mitigate damage and depletion that comes with the party lifestyle and spreading awareness about psychedelic drugs and their applications in medicine, research and therapy.


There is limited space available at this event. Please RSVP by visiting and “buying” a ticket (this event is FREE, you will not be charged).