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Experience powerful healing and realignment with Kambo, a sacred amazonian frog medicine.
Caitlin facilitates primarily in the San Diego, California region.
Out of town ceremonies can be arranged for a minimum of 10 participants or facilitations (accommodation and travel fees may apply)
Cost- $100 for private treatment (1 person)
or $80 each for 2 or more participants
*If you are unable to afford the fee and have a deep need for this medicine, please reach out and explain your situation. No one in need will be turned away.
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Book your Kambo Ceremony Today!
What is Kambo?
Kambo is a non-psychoactive medicine used in ceremony that is derived from the Giant Monkey Frog (Also called Giant Green Leaf Frog), or Phyllomedusa bicolour. The venomous secretions from the frog’s skin is carefully collected without harm to the frog. The Venom is then applied subcutaneously through burns made into the skin. The effects make the person violently purge but afterwards users report amazing health improvements for a variety of conditions, both physical and spiritual.
Where did Kambo come from?
The use of Kambo originated in the Amazon jungle by several groups of indigenous South American peoples. It was first discovered by the western world in 1986 by Peter Gorman, and investigative journalist that had been spending time with a native a tribe called the Matses.
Kambo or sapo as some call it was initially utilized as a medicine to aid the hunters of the tribe, giving them increased endurance, stamina, visual acuity, increased hearing ability, a reduced need for food and water, and to mask their human scent to better sneak up on animals. It was often used in conjunction with a snuff called Nu-Nu to bring them visions of where their next successful hunt would be.
What is Kambo useful for?
Since Kambo’s discovery by westerners, many have found it to be a potent and effective medicine for a variety of different ailments such as depression, arthritis, infections, autoimmune conditions, inflammatory conditions, addiction, emotional trauma and the list goes on….
Some call it a miracle cure for almost any condition. The venomous “sweat” that the frog secretes is full of scientifically studied peptides, some of which stimulate endogenous opioid receptors in a unique way. Some of the compounds cross the blood brain barrier, and others even manipulate the permeability of the blood brain barrier, possibly working synergistically to allow other compounds from the venom cocktail into the brain that would not normally get through.
Many call Kambo the ultimate detoxification. It seems to pull stored toxins out of various organ systems and purge them out of the body in a variety of ways. Some would say it also detoxifies one energetically and spiritually.
What does it feel like when you take Kambo?
When one chooses to experience Kambo, shortly after application of the medicine, the individuals heart will pound harder and faster. A rushing feeling of adrenaline occurs. Their body temperature will begin to rise causing them to sweat, and they may feel a pressure in their head. The medicine is not hallucinogenic or psychoactive like other amazonian medicines such as Ayahuasca, Toe or Mapacho.
The individual will then likely feel nauseous and experience violent vomiting and/or diarrhea. This is referred to as “purging” and is considered a release and expulsion of physical and energetic toxins. It is not uncommon for the individuals face to swell. Some people say it feels like you are dying, or have intense food poisoning. The experience usually lasts anywhere from 15-45 minutes. Most people are typically done purging and feeling better after about 30 minutes.
Is Kambo Safe?
Despite the outward appearance of Kambo’s violence, it is actually a very safe procedure if done properly under supervision by an qualified practitioner. There are some people who should proceed with caution using Kambo such as those with heart conditions, severe immune disorders, high blood pressure, bipolar disorder and other illnesses that may put someone in a fragile physical state and unable to handle the stress of processing the toxins that are being flushed out.
Are the frogs harmed in this process?
No, the frog is treated with utmost respect and compassion when harvesting the venom. Kambo can only be collected from wild caught frogs living in their native amazonian jungle habitat. Frogs in captivity do not produce the venom. Some speculate that the frogs diet of insects play a role in the potency and properties of the venom.
In the traditional method, the frogs limbs are gently tied spreading it’s arms and legs in a cross-like fashion and the frog is sang to and delicately stroked on the back to provoke the frog to sweat the secretions from it’s skin. The indigenous tribes believe that if you harm the frog in any way, it’s spirit will be angered and not provide healing. After collection, the frog is then released back into its wild habitat.
Often times, the frogs will be marked with an ink that wears off in about a week, so that if a frog is caught with an ink mark, they know it has not had enough time to replenish it’s venom and to collect it too frequently would give it a disadvantage at defending its self against predators.
Why on earth would anyone do this?
Kambo has shown to be effective for treating a variety of health conditions. Users report reduced pain, brighter and more stable mood, increased in energy, increased stamina, improved immune system and overall better health. In addition to the physical effects, Kambo is a powerful energetic cleansing and often provides insights and inspirational shifts to the person even weeks and months after the ceremony was performed.
Is there any scientific research on Kambo?
Yes, Below are a few scientific papers you can read on some of the compounds identified in Kambo venom.
–Phyllomedusa bicolor skin secretion and the Kambô ritual.
–Pharmacological studies of ‘sapo’ from the frog Phyllomedusa bicolor skin: a drug used by the Peruvian Matses Indians in shamanic hunting practices.
–Antitumor and angiostatic peptides from frog skin secretions.
–A consistent nomenclature of antimicrobial peptides isolated from frogs of the subfamily Phyllomedusinae.
–Frog secretions and hunting magic in the upper Amazon: identification of a peptide that interacts with an adenosine receptor.
–Isolation of dermatoxin from frog skin, an antibacterial peptide encoded by a novel member of the dermaseptin genes family.
–Deltorphins: a family of naturally occurring peptides with high affinity and selectivity for delta opioid binding sites.
–Production and purification of a novel antibiotic peptide, adenoregulin, from a recombinant Escherichia coli.
–Comparison of expression of monomeric and multimeric adenoregulin genes in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastorias.
-Antitumor and angiostatic activities of the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin B2.
–Synthesis and pharmacology of halogenated δ-opioid-selective [fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][d-Ala(2)]deltorphin II peptide analogues
Book your Kambo Ceremony Today!